As of 2018, the Canadian government has regulated all sales on vaping products. The more rules and regulations allow us at Foggy Gorilla to bring a new industry standard to our everyday customers.  For more information about the Canadian government and the new rules and regulations, please follow the link below: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/smoking-tobacco/vaping.html

At Foggy Gorilla, we offer our customers a loyalty reward system (in-store) that allows our team to keep up-to-date with our clientele. It also rewards our customers with every dollar they spend to gain new devices, juice and all other hardware we have to offer.

Who doesn’t also love a e-liquid deal? Buy 3 get the fourth for a $1!

Here at Foggy Gorilla, we offer our customers not only the top-rated products but also the most sterile e-liquids. Through testing and becoming close and personal with all of our e-liquid manufacturers, we allow our customers to have the peace of mind that the brands are made in labs using not only the best ingredients but up to date equipment.

No! Bylaw prohibits vapers to vape anywhere smokers can’t smoke — that means public areas such as malls, restaurants, recreation parks, etc. Depending on which city you live in, vape shops are exempted from this bylaw.

This most likely means that your coil is burnt, not your e-juice. Reasons behind this could be because the coil is not saturated with enough e-juice. Always make sure to keep e-juice filled while vaping. If that doesn’t work, check the settings on your device. Certain coils can only handle a certain amount of power.

This means that your atomizer is flooded with e-juice. Too much e-juice causes over-saturation of the coils, thus making vapor production very difficult as well as making a “bubbling” or ” gurgling” when the vapor attempts to pull (draw) from the device’s mouth piece. The fix: put a piece of paper towel over the mouth piece and start flicking the top end of your device towards the ground. This will force any excess juice that’s on the coil out of the mouth piece and onto the paper towel.

On average, a coil should last anywhere between 2-3 weeks; this all depends on usage, and different brands of e-liquid. (Some e-liquids contain more sweetener than others. Sweetener tends to caramelize the coils a lot quicker resulting in burning out the coil).